Discover heat pump incentives worth between $3,150 and $8,650!

Get thousands in rebates and incentives for a new heat pump! Save money on energy bills while enjoying efficient heating and cooling. Find out your potential savings now.

Claim your rebates and incentives in 3 easy steps!

  1. Identify your income bracket.
  2. See which rebates you’re eligible for – no pre-application needed.
  3. Connect with our trusted installers, who will guide you through the application process and apply the discounts directly to your quote

# of people in household

<80% AMI


>150% AMI































1. Identify your income bracket.

To see if you qualify for rebates, determine your household size and income. Rebate eligibility in King County is based on income relative to the Area Median Income (AMI). Use the table below to find your household size and corresponding income bracket.


Do you make less than 80% of the Area Median Income? If so, you may be eligible for a free heat pump. Learn more about our Boost Program.

2.What type of heating system do you currently have?

Knowing this will help us determine your potential savings.

3.Connect with our trusted installers

Connect with our trusted installers, who will guide you through the application process and apply the discounts directly to your quote

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